Friday, February 25, 2005

Book Review: Transforming Bible Study

I picked up Bob Grahmann's book 'Transforming Bible Study' expecting to give it a quick skim before starting a small group Bible study on Romans. Little did I know I'd be reading it cover to cover. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that this is the best book on how to do Bible study that I've ever read. It is not a "how to lead a Bible study in three easy steps" kind of book; it really digs into how I as an individual do a study that can then be applied in a group setting using the same principles. As someone who's been leading Bible studies and in some form of leadership role for about 20 years, Grahmann's book has really made me rethink what it is that I call Bible study versus what is truly a transforming experience in God's Word. Highly recommended! YYYYY

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You like that one, eh? Try this for a little difference: Shaped by the Word
