I read Enjoying God by S.J. Hill yesterday and after a bit of a slow start, I ended up enjoying the book. Pursuing intimacy with God rather than learning more about God is where I'm at right now in my spiritual journey. Yes, I know God is holy and I know He is loving but have I experienced this firsthand in an intimate relationship with the Father? This was my motivation for picking up this book. Enjoying God is a good first introduction to this topic, sort of an A.W. Tozer-light or a John Piper-light. S.J. Hill comes from the same perspective but with much more of a cursory overview. Chapter seven, Persevering In Our Quest for Intimacy, is perhaps the most interesting chapter in that Hill gives some practical suggestions for pursuing an intimate relationship. He gives some good advice in answering his own question, "How do you practice the presence of God when you first get up in the morning feeling like a zombie? How do you go from school, a busy work environment, the mall, or the gym to waiting on God?" If you are just encountering a desire for a more intimate relationship with God in your own life, than I would recommend this book as a good place to get your feet wet before moving on to some of the heavyweights. YYY
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