Monday, July 11, 2005

The Show - Day One Continued (again)

We all attended the ECPA Gold Medallion Awards tonight. It's sort of the Oscars of Christian publishing without the glitz, parties, designer dresses, celebrities, and excitement.'s actually quite a boring affair that lasts almost as long as the Oscars! Winners are picked in 20 different categories (see the winners list here) and a small plaque is given to each of the authors in attendance. The highlights for me we're hearing Philip Yancey speak and a video from Rick Warren about some of the work he and his wife are doing in Rwanda. I know Warren has his critics but he is just such an incredibly normal and sincere guy just doing what God has called him to do that you've got to respect him.


Anonymous said...

Hey Brad,

It sure looks like the new computer is working well! Michelle introduced me to your BLOG site. Stay cool!
Have you had your bison burger yet?


Anonymous said...

Hi ya Brad,

Still on the edge of my seat:P Hope u didn't mind me show'n Carol the inside "scoop" I mean, your blog. :)

Enjoy the dry heat there! It's waaay humid here again, ick!